
GOP Dangerous Views of Autism and Vaccination

The dangerous anti-science views about autism and vaccine, and spreading them out. The recent GOP debate showed the flawed ideology of the candidates.

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Gluten- a Short Course: When and How to Choose It

Many people today are talking about diets that are “gluten-free.” Restaurants are offering “gluten-free” menus. There are websites, chiropractors, and others proclaiming that going on a gluten-free diet will provide improved health. But lets be clear- unless you have an allergy to gluten, removing gluten from your diet will not provide better health.

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Vaccinations- Why They Are Important to Me

Balto, as you may recall, led the sled dogs on the Iditerod trail to Nome, bringing with him vaccines against diphtheria. They arrived in time, and many were saved. While most recall the heroic dog and his master, few will recall that the reason was to bring vaccines to a population that would have been wiped out.

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