
Calorie Myths

Should we throw out the whole calorie theory? Here are some six common myths about calories. Also included are five simple rules for eating healthy, and maintaining a healthy weight.

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Seven Reasons Obesity is a Disease

7 reasons why obesity is a disease – dismissing the arguments against The American Medical Association (AMA) who have officially recognized obesity as a disease, a move that could encourage physicians to pay more attention to the importance of addressing obesity.

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Eggs and Beer Diet v. Smoothie Diet

Two diets: one a smoothie diet, and the other eggs and beer. Who would lose the most weight over a month, and would the cholesterol improve or get worse? Here are the answers.

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Hospital Cafeterias: they should be a Place of Healing

A hospital cafeteria should not peddle junk food. A hospital cafeteria should be a place of healing and rehabilitation. It is time to change how hospitals view their cafeteria – it should be viewed as a place to teach patients to be healthy by teaching them how t and what to cook.

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Governor Christie Gets the Lap-Band: Our Concerns

The governor of New Jersey had a Lap-Band installed in February and has already lost 40 pounds- which is a little over 10 pounds a month. He had the band installed by a great surgeon, Dr. George Fielding, who himself has a Lap-Band Of all the weight loss operations, the Lap-Band is the least invasive.

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The Bad Fat isn’t Bad and the Good Fat isn’t Good

President Eisenhower could not have been more mad. He had followed his cardiologists recommendations to the letter but his cholesterol was higher than before. Turns out they were wrong about saturated fat. Here is the Presidential story about saturated fat – and what we know now.

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Mummies & Eskimos with Heart Disease: it isn’t Modern Diets that are the Problem: The People of St. Paul

Many diets are based on the false premise that the cave-men or early man, had great diets without chronic disease. Turns out they had plenty of heart and vascular disease, as a recent study showed. Reminded me of going to St Paul, in Alaska- a place where they still live like they did hundreds of years ago- but just a bit better.

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The Fast Diet: Eat 5 Fast 2

The Fast Diet is taking the world by storm. From Britain, this simple diet promises what everyone wants to hear: “Eat what you want, then eat light for two days and watch the pounds drop.” Is it real? Can you expect to lose weight this way?

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Bacon Cures Cancer

They want you to think that vegetables turn off cancer genes – that if you get cancer you are not vegan enough. Here is the story of a lifelong vegetarian/vegan who will tell you that vegetables didn’t turned off the most deadly cancer progression of all. Someone who is the longest survivor of pancreatic cancer- and the one thing that changed — bacon

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