good food habits

Glycemic Index: Bad Science

The Glycemic Index, and what glucose spikes do to our body isn’t exactly what was previously reported. Another bogus diet theory bites the dust, as does its multi-million dollar industry.

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Childhood Obesity, Food Insecurity, and Cooking

Food insecurity breeds obesity by allowing the view that having some extra weight is healthy. The most basic of all insecurities is overcome with obesity. Leading to an endless cycle of obesity this can be combated not by surgery, but by availability of fresh foods, and teaching people how to cook.

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Ebola’s Backdoor to the US

The new threat to Ebola entering the United States is from the native meats being smuggled into the United States.

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Care of Aging Parents

Often people who want to stay in their homes as they age need more help than their spouse or partner can give them. It isn’t intense medical help. Often it is someone that is willing to prepare meals, shop, light cleaning, and mostly some conversation.

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High Protein Diets and Early Weight Loss: It isn’t Good

Terry Simpson MD analyzes early weight loss in high protein diets – it isn’t fat that is lost, it is glycogen and water. The loss of glycogen and lower glucose levels make it more difficult to use of fat as an energy source, which is not a good thing! In fact it can hurt you – not help you!

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Cheap Food and Obesity

The beverage and snack industry continue to peddle the products of obesity, but even the economists have seen the trend. Economist conclude the primary reason for obesity is low price, high availability of fattening foods & beverages.

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Toxoplasmosis – Your Cat Could Fork U

A serious, but preventable food-borne illness that can cause damage to the unborn child, and immunocompromised individuals. Yet, can be easily treated and simply prevented.

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Chef Graham Elliot: Why His Weight Loss Will Work

Chef Graham Elliot underwent gastric sleeve surgery for weight loss. In the first year having lost over 120 pounds, here is a bit about the surgery he had, and why he will succeed.

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Eat Big But Small – Lamb

Rack of lamb and asparagus – a meal that you can have for under 300 calories that will keep you satisfied for hours. Eat Big but Small is an attempt to show how you can eat more, but less with great food and lots of vegetables.

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