Swine Flu

Seven Deadly Flu Myths

A list of seven deadly flu myths that keep people from getting vaccinated and will make the flu season more miserable for you and your family and friends. Influenza is one of the ten most common causes of death in the US.

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Flu Vaccine: Better Ones Coming: But Get Vaccinated

Flu vaccines will be made faster, and more specific in the future. The new approved Flublock will also have less “preservatives” than the current vaccine. Vaccination is still far superior to supplements, vitamins, tam-flu, or any other “product” out there.

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Flu Shot or Not?

Got the flu? Antibiotics don’t help it get better faster. Patients call me wanting a Z-pack, or some antibiotic because they have the flu. Antibiotics don’t make the flu go away any sooner. The flu is caused by a virus

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